Intra-Articular Hyaluronic Acid Injection For Arthrosis Therapy
Hand Arthritis Injections
Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that occurs in humans wherever moisture needs to be stored or tissues are moved against one another. As the cartilage ages, there is a loss of hyaluronic acid. The therapeutic principle of intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection is based on the fact that the missing cartilage-specific hyaluronic acid can be replaced by biotechnologically produced hyaluronic acid, thereby alleviating the symptoms.
Hyaluronic acid is injected into the joint space to improve the synovial fluid. There it supports the body in maintaining the normal balance between the breakdown and regeneration of hyaluronic acid. The synovial fluid becomes more viscous again due to the injected hyaluronic acid and can better fulfil its lubricating and protective effect. The articular cartilage is relieved by the protective layer of hyaluronic acid. Wear and tear decreases. Joint mobility also improves, and pain decreases.
Our hand specialist, Prof Dr Robert Hierner, is an eminent doctor in the field of hand osteoarthritis treatment. He excels at Hyaluronic Acid arthrosis therapy and has helped several patients to manage arthritis pain efficiently.
Suitable Patients
Patients with incipient arthritic joint changes in the area, including:
– Wrist
– Thumb saddle joint (CMC I)
– Finger base joints (MP)
– Finger middle joints (PIP)
– Finger end joints (DIP)
However, an injection treatment with hyaluronic acid is only possible and sensible in the early stages of arthrosis.
Existing cartilage changes can no longer be reversed.
Get An Appointment
In clinical practice, a detailed examination is carried out first to understand the following factors;
1) What bothers you
2) What are your expectations
3) Previous therapeutic measures of arthrosis treatment, including pain therapy
4) General health
5) Lifestyle (sports)
5) Lifestyle (sports)
6) Quality of the skin
7) Medication
8) Allergies
9) Handedness and occupation
The joints to be treated in the hand area are discussed and marked with the patient
With proper technique (strict asepsis), risks are rare. After the injection, irritation of the joint can be felt. For a few days, the pain may increase somewhat. In very rare cases, the joint can become inflamed. The patient must be informed of the possibility of joint infection (empyema).
A specific preparation for the hyaluronic acid injection is not necessary. If necessary, an anaesthetic cream (e.g., EMLA ® ointment) can be applied before the injection.
The injection area must be disinfected and covered. The joint injection must be carried out under sterile conditions.
The joints to be corrected in the hand area are discussed and marked with the patient.
Then, a certain amount of hyaluronic acid is injected into the respective joint with a fine needle.
Depending on the joint and the degree of arthrosis, you will receive between 3 and 5 injections of hyaluronic acid. The injections are usually carried out once a week.
After Care
Age changes in the hand will lead to a combination of:
Immediately after the joint injection, the hand is cooled and should be moved immediately.
The hyaluronic acid injection therapy should always be carried out together with an adequate physiotherapy treatment (osteoarthritis basic therapy), which consists of the following:
- Regular movement exercises in order to maintain the mobility of the joints in the long term (“if you rest, you rust”).
- Movements start in warm or cold water
- Stretching your hand and fingers to the pain limit
- Cooling your hand and fingers in cold water or with ice in the evening (“warm-up – cool down”)
Injection treatments help to improve the joint’s resilience and delay surgery. The effect lasts up to a year, sometimes longer. Since the treatment is very well tolerated, it can be repeated at any time. In the case of incipient arthrosis, treatment with intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid is more effective than in “end-stage” arthrosis. Basically, one can say that the more articular cartilage present in the joint, the more effective the therapy is.
We understand that arthritis can be quite painful. This Hyaluronic therapy can certainly restore your hand movement while relieving you of the pain.
Patient Information
This patient information only gives a general introduction for a better understanding of aesthetic and medical surgeries. It cannot replace the personal and detailed doctor-patient discussion. To answer your questions about your personal, individual situation, arrange your non-binding personal consultation appointment.